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3 Ways I'm Keeping My Skin Healthy

Hey my loves! Summer is just around the corner which makes it a great time to get your skin back on track considering heavy makeup is a no-no during the hot season. I mean you can go for it but remember you'll be melting away before you know it!

Here are some things I love to do to get my skin looking radiant aka another reason not to wear so much makeup:

1. It starts from the inside out, cutting processed food and sugar are BIG to me when it comes to getting ready for a photo shoot or summer months skin. Just kill that sugar craving with fruit instead of chocolate cake.

2. Using a moisturizer with sunblock has always been important to me even as a teen. I try to place it all over, especially on my neck and hands since that's where age usually tends to show up first. Believe it or not I use a basic Oil Of Olay moisturizer. Inexpensive and useful.

3. Water water and more water!! Yup...that simple.

Hola mis amores! Con el verano a la vuelta de la esquina es el momento perfecto para hidratar y mantener nuestra piel saludable. Porque? Pues en primer lugar, usar mucho maquillaje durante el verano no es bueno para la piel y segundo....en menos de lo que piensas te estarás derritiendo! Quien dijo cara de pizza?!? Aquí algunos consejos básicos de como hago para mantener mi piel saludable:

1. De adentro para afuera, trato de dejar la AZUCA (voz de Celia Cruz) un poco especialmente en el cafe. Cuando tengas antojos trata de optar por una fruta.

2. SIEMPRE, uso hidratante con protección solar. Es muy importante especialmente en el cuello y manos donde nosotras las mujeres no podemos esconder el pasar del tiempo.

3. Agua!! Tu piel te lo agradecera.

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