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Where Did My Privacy Go?

You know where this is going! I mean there's a pic of my son in a bathtub. The other night after a busy day of voice work I put Sebastian to sleep and decided to take a warm bath to unwind and watch some Netflix.

Everything was going great until I hear a loud voice and next thing I know he's in the tub with me. Say what?!? This is MY time baby boo....or is it OUR time from now on?!?

Seems pretty common when I tell others. They immediately talk about how privacy is basically gone once you have a child. So does this mean no more bathroom chill time?!? Ughhhh....!

Por la foto ya sabes de que se debe tratar este blog. Obviamente la foto de Sebastian en el baño me delato. Te cuento, la otra noche despues de un dia laaaargo de hacer anuncios puse al nene a dormir y decide despojarme en la bañera. Ideal verdad? Ahhh mi momento de pura privacidad CUANDO.....(musica dramatica please) escucho una voz y en menos de nada ya estaba el conmigo en la bañera!!

Ahhhh, pense que era MI momento!!! Hmmm, al parecer esto es muy normal despues de tener niños....osea se pierde la privacidad por SIEMPRE?!

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