Orlando...My City...My Town

As I sit here and write this blog I still can't believe what happened in Orlando. I remember waking up Sunday and as usual I checked my phone to see what was trending. #PrayForOrlando was everywhere I didn't understand until I turned on the news and heard about the shooting. I couldn't believe it. In a club? Mass shooting? What? Why? Orlando is a fun city. People are like family. We all know each other so shen tragedy hits it's like one BIG family. I've cried...prayed then cried again. Every single time I see the names of the victims called and I think about the family members I can't help but feel pain. What is wrong with people? What kind of people are we raising in this world?
We have a responsibility to report any unusual activity. Don't allow this to happen again.
Orlando I may be far but my heart is with you.