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Hasta Pronto Titi...Hasta pronto princess!

Yesterday we said adios to my aunt Tania.

For the past 9 months after finding out she had pancreatic cancer... as a family we made it our mission to give Titi the best last months of her life. So who was she?!? A warrior. Mother of 12. Adventurous heart and super energetic so processing the fact that in less than a year cancer took her away from us is far from easy.

I have to admit that I have never felt so much sadness. There's one thing that keeps me faith and the fact that I will see her again in heaven. I know in my heart Titi knew that I loved her. I feel blessed to have great memories of you. I come from a family of tough women not because we want to be but because we HAVE to be. I'll continue the legacy.

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