Why My Brother Is The Most Important Man In My Life

Where do I start without getting sappy and emotional?!? This entry is dedicated to the most important man in my life. My oldest brother Robert or Tito as we call him because you ain't Puerto Rican if you don't have a Tito in your life.
I can't think of someone besides my mother to draw inspiration from. He lost his wife over a decade ago to Lupus yet managed to raise 3 kids as a single dad. He's also able to smile each day and give words of encouragement when needed. Oh and let's talk about when someone makes his eternal little sister cry!
Oh boy! You better run.

Thanks brother for:
*Never Judging Me
*Keeping/Telling My Secrets
*Making Sure Only The Best Man Remains In My Life
*Making Me Laugh
*Not Knowing How To Dance Salsa With Me
*Being Proud Of Me
*Reminding Me Why Being Puerto Rican Is Amazing lol
*Keeping Me Humble