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32 Hours of Labor!
Well, hola! Been a hot minute since I've been on here but hey...mama had to do her thing! Here's a quick recap of my labor and...
Beach Kinda Weekend [Pics]
You know how much I love the beach so every moment I get I'm there. Last Saturday spent the evening grabbing dinner and waves and took...
Starting To Pack
As I sit here and look at my wardrobe I can't help but feel LOCA #FirstWorldProblems. Seriously, I have a huge wardrobe not because I...
New Place Will Look Like This
As I continue the process of finding a new place and leaving my good old sunny Florida there's something I'm going to miss...THE BEACH. I...
My Days At The Beach Look Like This
So...I'm officially addicted to the beach. Funny thing is if you would have invited me to the coast a couple of years ago I would have...
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