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Feliz Navidad!
'I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!!' Did you just sing that in your head? I know I did! Feliz Navidad mis...

Well, Donde Esta Jessica Reyes?!? Where Have I Been?
Ayeeeeee!! Hi there and thanks for checking out my site! It's been a while since I have posted a new blog on here. If you follow me on...

It's National Ice Cream Day, Where To Get Freebies
If you know anything about me it's that I LOVE Ice CREAM!! Then again who doesn't verdad?!? Pues today is #NationalIceCreamDay and here...

A Day In The Life Of Toyota Of Orlando's Jessica Reyes
Ever wondered what it's like to shoot The Toyota Of Orlando Commercial?!? Well here's a little... WAKE UP TIME: 5:30 am (because I need...

'Ask Jess' Where Did You Get That Dress From?
The other day I posted a picture of myself in what I thought was a simple little dress. To my surprise it was a hit with the chicas so of...

Lash and Lip Top Is All I Ever Needed
So do you like?!? Although I'm kinda jelly of how the lashes on my top look better than mine I have to say I am in LOVE with this cute...

3 Ways I'm Keeping My Skin Healthy
Hey my loves! Summer is just around the corner which makes it a great time to get your skin back on track considering heavy makeup is a...

Hi March...Goodbye March...That Was Quick
I love this time of year for so many reasons. The weather, the lovely colors, fresh smell of flowers and of course the start of a new...

Voicing For Sea World Orlando Theme Park
Weeeepa!! Next time you walk around SeaWorld Orlando you may hear a familiar voice! Yep, I am feeling super blessed to have the...

Why I'm Shining! No, I'm NOT Preggers!
Many of you have been commenting and sending messages via FB and IG asking why or how is it that my skin is glowing more than usual...
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