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The One Simple Thing That Changed My Day
Despite all the hurdles to get back to work due to the blizzard it's crazy how one simple thing can change your day. I was on my way to...

5 Things We All Did During The Blizzard
You can't deny you did at least three of these things! Don't front... 5. Lurking...investigating. What ever happened to?!? Yeah...some...

MAC Cosmetics Flamingo Park Collection. Of Course I'm Excited
Calling all lovers of anything pink! Can you hear me? Calling ALL who don't care if they look like a rejected cast member from Legally...
Be Together by Major Lazer...Love This Song
Ahhhh! You know it's one of those songs. I remember listening to it for the first time a couple of months ago and thinking I LOVE IT!!...
Jennifer Lopez Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction AGAIN
What can I say? Sometimes a booty needs space and when confined for too long this is what happens. You should know better Jlo haha. I'm...

Cafe...snow...pj's...ALL GOOD! Se la pasa bien! This is how I'm spending my days. With some hot cocoa or cafe and brainstorming. Lots to...

Blizzard of 2016
Oh my GAWD!! This is the real thing. It's been a really long time since I've seen so much snow and I have to say it looks BEAUTIFUL! It's...

Ay Dios Mio...It's a Blizzard
Si señores! It's a BLIZZARD. After all that bragging about having a mild winter. A massive and what some are calling historic storm is...

It's Cold...Like Really Cold
Darn!! It just got real. Temps are below zero right and reality has set in. I intended to go for a run today but when my hands turned...
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